Seventeen UGA employees retired Dec. 1. Retirees, their job classification, department and years of service are:
Gregory A. Ashley, IT associate director, COE Centers, 26 years; Robert Earl Bell, public service assistant, UGA Extension Service-Southeast District, 29 years; Ronald M. Cervero, associate dean, College of Education, 30 years; Lynn C. Clapp, ADS Eatonton Beef Farm, 32 years; Kevin D. Clark, associate research scientist, food science and technology, 15 years; Valerie Crump, registered professional nurse, University Health Center, 4 years; Maxine H. Heard, administrative specialist II, Carl Vinson Institute of Government, 22 years; Judy E. Hibbs, senior public service associate, foods and nutrition, 28 years; Ann S. Johnson, postal services assistant I, Mail & Receiving Services, 10 years; Anthony Durward Johnson, horticulturist, Field Research Services-Griffin campus, 15 years; M. Ellen Martin, student affairs professional III, Associate Dean’s Office, Academic Affairs, 28 years; Gregory C. Price, senior public service associate, Office of the Associate Dean for Extension, 27 years; Marcie A. Simpson, public service assistant, Office of the Associate Dean for Extension, 27 years; Jerri B. Snodgrass, library associate I, UGA Extension Service Library-Griffin campus, 18 years; John T. Stubbs III, farm supervisor III, Northwest Research and Education Center, 29 years; Mark Dwayne von Waldner, public service associate, UGA Extension Service-Southeast District, 30 years; and William F. Waters Jr., lab animal facilities supervisor, VP Office for Research, 29 years.