If you are with a student in an emergency situation, call 911. If you are unsure whether the situation requires immediate, rapid intervention, call the Assistant Director, Academic and Student Affairs at (470) 771-0208. Be prepared to provide your name, position at UGA, and brief but specific information about the reason(s) you are concerned. You will also be asked to provide the student’s name and other identifying information.
It is not uncommon for faculty and staff to be the first to recognize when a student is in distress. Students may view you as a confidante and disclose personal information. As an individual who interacts regularly with students, you may be able to detect dramatic changes in a student’s behavior. Trust your instincts. If you are concerned about a student, take it seriously. Keep record of the interactions you find troubling and be prepared to provide that information to the appropriate on-campus or off-campus professional.
In addition to on-campus assistance in the Office of Academic and Student Affairs, UGA’s division of Student Care and Outreach is able to coordinate care and assistance for all students who experience complex, hardship and/or unforeseen circumstances, by providing individualized assistance and tailored interventions. Connecting with this team is as simple as completing the form at the Student Care & Outreach Form button below.
Additional resources, including links to the Griffin Campus Counselor can be found below: