An upcoming field day on Wednesday, Aug. 10, at the University of Georgia Southwest Georgia Research and Education Center (SWERC) in Plains, Georgia, will showcase cutting-edge agriculture research to farmers, UGA Cooperative Extension county agents and industry personnel.
Scientists representing UGA’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences on the Tifton and Griffin campuses will be discussing projects on Georgia’s high-value agricultural crops, such as cotton, peanuts, corn and sorghum.
“This field day is important because the local farmers, agricultural businessmen and county Extension agents get a chance to see, firsthand, the research conducted here and talk with the specialists who will be speaking about their research,” said Stan Jones, SWERC superintendent.
The field day will begin at 8:30 a.m. with opening remarks from Jones and Joe West, assistant dean of the UGA Tifton Campus, who also oversees the SWREC in Plains. The program, which will conclude at noon, will include remarks from UGA scientists regarding insect management, fungicide treatments and statewide variety testing in cotton, peanuts and soybeans.
“The field day in Plains provides important information to farmers about some of Georgia’s top commodities. Understanding how certain crops respond to different conditions is key to Georgia farmers’ success every year,” West said. “Our scientists do an excellent job with their research and relaying that information to growers during field days like this.”
On Aug. 24, a similar field day will be held in Midville, Georgia, site of the UGA Southeast Georgia Research and Education Center.