The UGA Griffin Campus library is located in the Stuckey Building room 149 and is open from 8am – 5pm Monday through Friday for Faculty, Staff, and Students.
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About our Library
Our space includes 6 Windows based computers, Free Wi-Fi, and 6 study cubbies where you can bring your own laptop or read a book. There are also 4 group tables, some couches, and the M. Kay Mowery Conference Room that can seat 8 with ample room to spread out.
As a branch of UGA’s larger library system, we receive daily deliveries which allow patrons to request and return books from any other library in the University System of Georgia including GIL express and ILL items. Our print collection focuses on agriculture and related areas.

From your Librarian
Welcome to the Griffin Campus Library, a branch of the University of Georgia Libraries.
Located on the first floor of the Stuckey Building, the library houses a collection of agricultural and applied sciences and related subjects. The library is open to the general public and many of its information resources are available to the public free of charge.
Information needs of the academic community continue to grow and the library at the Griffin campus plays a vital role in meeting those needs – providing access to its collections of databases, books, journals and documents both online and on the shelf. Challenges continue to grow: increasing demands are being placed on the scientific community to manage and disseminate data; today’s student must develop competencies in finding, understanding and using scholarly information that in many ways are becoming increasingly complicated; spaces need to facilitate collaborative learning whether in the laboratory, classroom, lecture hall or library.
I believe it is important for the library to respond to new developments in the information environment, whether through its offerings of workshops, classes, course-integrated instruction, online tutorials or the assistance that can be provided in helping scholars to archive, manage and disseminate their work.
I am excited about the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. I encourage you to explore with our library staff ways in which we can help you. I look forward to your ideas and comments.
John L Cruickshank
Services for Students, Faculty, and Staff
Below are some of the services provided by our library on the Griffin campus that are available to students, faculty, and staff. If you have any questions about the services that we offer, feel free to reach out to us and we can help you!
Borrowing Materials & Renewals
Both students & faculty are permitted to borrow materials from University of Georgia Libraries, as long as a UGACard is presented.
Spouses & children of faculty are eligible for borrowing privileges when they present a faculty/staff dependent UGACard and a completed dependent voucher signed by the sponsoring faculty/staff member.
Circulation Periods
- Books with standard circulation periods may be kept for 180 days.*
- The Leisure Collection may be kept for 14 days.
- Bound volumes of periodicals may be kept for 7 days, while current issues of periodicals may be kept for 3 hours.
* Item could be subject to recall.
If an item you need is charged out to another patron, the item may be recalled. Recalls may be placed in the Griffin Campus Library with the item’s call number and your UGACard. When an item is recalled, the loan period may be shortened, and a notice is sent to the current user informing them of the item’s new due date.
Students & faculty may be subject to fines for a few reasons:
- For UGA patrons, recall fines are $1.00 per day per item with a maximum accrued recall fine of $30.00 per item. For GIL Express patrons, recall fines are $2.50 per day per item with a maximum accrued recall fine of $30.00 per item. Library privileges may be suspended and/or flagged if the item is not returned in a timely fashion.
- If a student or faculty member loses a book, the price of the book plus a $35.00 processing fee is assessed. If the book is found later, the price of the book is refundable. The processing fee is not refundable.
Payment for recall fines and fees can be made in person at the circulation desk with cash or by check.
Citation Management Programs
The library provides workshops & technical assistance on citation management programs such as:
- EndNote
- RefWorks
- Zotero
- Mendeley
UGA also provides a license for EndNote for faculty & staff use.
Data Curation & Management
The library can assist faculty in developing plans for managing their data. We can help faculty identify options for storing, backing up, protecting, and disseminating their data over the long term.
Document Delivery
The library borrows books and obtains copies of articles from UGA Libraries in Athens and other libraries across the nation and around the world for faculty. We also lend materials and send copies of articles to other libraries.
When the material you requested arrives, you will be notified by email and those items can be picked up at the UGA Griffin library.
To request an item, or for further questions, please contact the UGA Griffin Library.
Journal Routing
Faculty members can sign up to have the latest issue of specific hard copy journal titles routed to their office. A list of available journals can be found in the PDF below.
Research Assistance
We can help in conducting research at all stages of the research cycle. This may include:
- Assistance in identifying and obtaining scientific literature on a particular topic.
- Locating and obtaining data.
- Assistance with the publication and dissemination of a researcher’s work.